The first experience of simultaneous RF ablation and mastectomy for breast cancer with liver metastases

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About the authors

Valery Vasilievich Novomlinsky

Voronezh state medical Academy N.N. Burdenko Road clinical hospital at the station Voronezh – 1 JSC "RZD"

Author for correspondence.

 M. D., head of the Department of transport medicine

Russian Federation, Voronezh, St. Student, 10 Voronezh, TRANS. of Health 2

Aleksandr Anatol'evich Glukhov

Voronezh state medical Academy N.N. Burdenko


 doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of Department of General surgery

Russian Federation, Voronezh, St. Student, 10

Alexander Nikolayevich Redkin

Voronezh state medical Academy N.N. Burdenko


 MD, Professor, head of Department of Oncology

Russian Federation, Voronezh, St. Student, 10

Andrei Petrovich Sokolov

Road clinical hospital at the station Voronezh – 1 JSC "RZD"


 head of the surgical Department

Russian Federation, Voronezh, TRANS. of Health 2

Evgeny Sergeevich Chvikalov

Road clinical hospital at the station Voronezh – 1 JSC "RZD"


 head of the Cabinet of invasive ultrasound

Russian Federation, Voronezh, TRANS. of Health 2

Anton Petrovich Ostroushko

Voronezh state medical Academy N.N. Burdenko


assistant, General surgery

Russian Federation, Voronezh, St. Student, 10


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Copyright (c) Novomlinsky V.V., Glukhov A.A., Redkin A.N., Sokolov A.P., Chvikalov E.S., Ostroushko A.P.

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