Evolution of carotid surgery
- Authors: Zatevahin I.I.1, Matyushkin A.V.1, Mustafin A.H.1
- Russian state medical University N.I.Pirogov
- Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 173-178
- Section: Review of literature
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/article/view/1095
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18499/2070-478X-2011-4-1-173-178
- ID: 1095
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About the authors
Igor Ivanovich Zatevahin
Russian state medical University N.I.Pirogov
Author for correspondence.
Email: aidm@inbox.ru
MD, Professor,
academician of RAMS, head of chair of surgical diseases
Andrey Valeryevich Matyushkin
Russian state medical University N.I.Pirogov
Email: aidm@inbox.ru
PhD, associate Professor of the surgical diseases chair
Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow, street Ostrovitjanova, 1s7Aidar Hisarovic Mustafin
Russian state medical University N.I.Pirogov
Email: aidm@inbox.ru
ordinator of the Department surgical diseases
Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow, street Ostrovitjanova, 1s7References
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