Vol 1, No 1 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 18
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/1
Original articles
The organisation of surgical service of the Voronezh region
Article is devoted features of the organisation of surgical service of the Voronezh region in the conditions of the present stage of development of public health services and quality of the problems put before service on improvement of quality of rendering of medical aid.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):9-12

Use of the three-dimensional computer tomography in planning of the laparoscopic adrenalectomy
The analysis of possibilities of a three-dimensional computer tomography in an estimation of topografo-anatomic mutual relations in a surgical intervention zone is carried out at tumorous formations of adrenals in 20 cases.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):13-16

Using minimally invasive surgical interference under checking ultrasound in complex treatment pancreanecrosis
Results of treatment of 208 patients with purulent (113 persons) and aseptic (95 persons) pancreatonecrosis complications are presented. In each group subgroups on the basis of applied methods of surgical interventions have been allocated. In the basic subgroups were used minimally invasive surgical interventions under the control ultrasound, in control - traditional laparotomic operations. The comparative analysis of results specifi es in high effi ciency and safety minimally invasive treatment kinds.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):17-21

Experience of treatment of abscesses of a liver with application ultrasonographical technologies
In article application experience ultrasonographical technologies at 59 patients with liver abscesses is analysed. Results show, that use ultrasonographical technologies allows to raise effi ciency and safety of a complex of medical actions.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):22-25

Experience of treatment of victims with gunshot wound of soft tissues
In article experience of treatment of 100 patients with fi re fragmental and bullet wounds of various character and localization. Effi ciency of application of the surgical treatment added with jet sanation wound of a surface by solutions of antiseptics (the basic group - 56 patients) in comparison with the standard methods (control group - 54 patients) is proved.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):26-29

Regional hydropressivno-sorbtsion therapy in a complex treatments of patients with purulent wounds
Are analysed results of experimental and clinical application of a new method regional hydropressivno-sorbtsion therapy based on combined use of properties high-pressure of streams of a liquid and a siliceous sorbent «Polisorb MP». High effi ciency of an offered method of treatment that allows to recommend it for wide clinical application is proved.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):30-36

New aspects in diagnostics and treatment of the acute appendicitis
Results of inspection and treatment of 1468 patients with acute appendicitis in area and the regional centre are analysed. For the purpose of improvement of results of surgical treatment of patients with acute appendicitis us the diagnostic system representing set noninvasive and invasive of methods of inspection is developed and introduced, allowing to divide a clinical material into two classes - with presence of destructive process and without it.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):37-44

Morphological variability of the returnable guttural nerve as the risk factor of development of its intraoperational damages
Features of topography of a returnable guttural nerve (RGN) depending on a fl oor and the neck party are taped. Features of mutual relation of a nerve from tracheaesophageal sulcus, the bottom thyroid artery on a morphological material and in clinic are in details studied. Reference points for intraoperation are offered identifi cation RGN. The estimation of morphological indicators of topography of a returnable guttural nerve as risk factors of its development intraoperation damages is made.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):45-50

The morphological characteristic of fabric reaction in a wound at application light-therapy
Analyzed of experimental application of a new method of regional in
uence on wound a surface of polarised light on the
basis of a structurally functional estimation of the centre of a lesion. The offered method frames conditions for excision
from a wound of all substances which have become for an organism toxic, a wound is cleared and free
lled with healthy
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):51-56

Individual anatomic variability: history-methodological aspects of studying
In this article we review the historical and methodological aspects of study of individual anatomical variability. The issues of individual anatomical variability are the fundamental basis for topographic anatomy, morphological sciences and modern clinical study. As a medical issue, individual anatomical variability of a human being consists in studying morphological differences of the human body form, its tissues, organs and systems with the purpose of improving disease diagnostics and individualization of surgical service. On the basis of individual anatomical variability of a human being surgical approaches and techniques are worked out, diagnostical procedures, methods and techniques of examining and treating patients are improved.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):62-69

Short articles
Spontaneous rupture of a gullet
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):57-59

Way of processing of a stump appendix a process at laparoscopical appendectomies
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):60-61

History of formation of chair of the general surgery of the Voronezh medical high school
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):70-77

Хирургическая тактика при больших эхинококковых кистах печени
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):78-79

Метод лапаростомии при лечении перитонита
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):79-80

Эпидемиология современной абдоминальной травмы
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):80-81

Радушкевич Валерий Павлович (к 100-летию со дня рождения)
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):82-83

Протокол 851–го заседания Воронежского научно-практического общества хирургов от 24.09.08 г
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2008;1(1):84-86