Morphological Features of Wound Regeneration in the Local Application of Recombinant Interferon Α2b in the Experiment
- Authors: Zhmailik R.1, Bogdan V.2, Korneva Y.3, Dorosevich A.3
- Volkovysk Central Regional Hospital
- Military Medical Faculty at the Belarusian State Medical University
- 1. Smolensk State Medical University 2. Smolensk Regional Institute of Pathology
- Issue: Vol 10, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 225-230
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1047
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Summery. Introduction. The research devoted to the study of pathogenetic, immunological, and biophysical aspects of the tissue regeneration process with wound defects of various etiologies is gaining in popularity in the "world" of medical science, at present this problem remains topical [1, 2, 6, 8, 9]
Purpose of the study. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of morphological manifestations of tissue regeneration occurring when recombinant interferon α2b, is used in the healing of an acute experimental wound is carried out.
Materials and methods. Depending on the nature of the wound treatment, the experimental animals were divided into two groups: 1) a comparison group in which the edges of the wound were struck with a 0.9% NaCl solution; 2) the main group, where a similar edge of the wound defect was cut off with recombinant interferon α2b at a dose of 1000 ME / 1ml diluted with 0.9% NaCl solution. The rats were removed from the experiment on the 4th, 8th and 20th day of the study, while a full-thickness skin flap was taken in the area of the scar (defect), which was examined by light microscopy. At the same time, the intensity of formation of the granulation tissue, its "maturation", and also in the margins and on the bottom of the wound was estimated in the absolute values, the cellular populations realizing the process of inflammation were determined.
As a result of the study, the character of the complex effect of recombinant interferon α2b was established, which included reduction of the negative effect of secondary alteration, differentiation of the intravascular immune response, formation of conditions for natural regeneration with activation of angiogenesis and synthesis of a valuable scar, decrease in propensity to keloidosis.
Conclusions. The obtained results testify to the morphological validity of the use of recombinant leukocyte interferon α2β as a stimulant of the inflammation phase, as against the background of the use of this substance, its ability to enhance phagocytosis was noted.
About the authors
Ruslan Zhmailik
Volkovysk Central Regional Hospital
Author for correspondence.
Surgeon of the surgical department of Volkovysk CRH
Belarus, 220056, Belarus, Minsk Heroes of the 120th Division 27-20Vasiliy Bogdan
Military Medical Faculty at the Belarusian State Medical University
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Military Medical Faculty at the Belarusian State Medical University
Belarus, 220019, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Skripnikova 14-49.Yulia Korneva
1. Smolensk State Medical University2. Smolensk Regional Institute of Pathology
1 PhD, assistant professor of pathological anatomy;
2. The doctor-pathologist, Department of Clinical Pathology № 2
Russian Federation, 214019, Russia, , Smolensk, Krupskaya St., 28Alexandr Dorosevich
1. Smolensk State Medical University2. Smolensk Regional Institute of Pathology
MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy Medical University "Smolensk State Medical University" of Ministry of Health of Russia;
Russian Federation, 214018, Russia, Smolensk, Gagarina St., 27References
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