Catheter-directed thrombolysis for iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis

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Analized results of treatment of 25 patients who have received regional thrombolytic therapy for treatment of a proximal (iliofemoral) venous clottage during the period with 1996 for 2007. On the basis of the received results it is proved, that the most successful is the treatments, begun in the early terms, however a favorable outcome it is possible and at the treatment beginning in terms till 3 weeks from occurrence of the first symptoms. Good results at low level of complications allow to receive regional thrombolytic therapy with urokinase use.

About the authors

University Medical Faculty of. Ben-Gurion, Israel
Clinical hospital «Soroka», city of the Negev

Author for correspondence.
врач-хирург отделения ангиохирургии клинической больницы «Soroka», лектор Университета им. Бен-Гуриона.

University Medical Faculty of. Ben-Gurion, Israel
Clinical hospital «Soroka», city of the Negev

врач-хирург отделения ангиохирургии клинической больницы «Soroka», лектор Университета им. Бен-Гуриона.

University Medical Faculty of. Ben-Gurion, Israel
Clinical hospital «Soroka», city of the Negev

врач-хирург отделения ангиохирургии клинической больницы «Soroka», ассистент Университета им. Бен-Гуриона.

University Medical Faculty of. Ben-Gurion, Israel
Clinical hospital «Soroka», city of the Negev

врач-хирург отделения ангиохирургии клинической больницы «Soroka», ассистент Университета им. Бен-Гуриона.


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