Rationalization of the Acute Pancreatitis Destructive Forms Intensive Therapy: Detoxification and Nutritional Support Correction on the Basis of the Haemofiltration Membrane Technology

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Relevance The article presents the data of original research to assess the clinical effectiveness of the rationalized program of intensive therapy of acute pancreatitis destructive forms. The proposed program includes selective application of prolonged high-volume veno-venous hemofiltration as a method of extracorporal monodetoxication. Presents the results of anti-toxic potential and nutritional status improving of patients with pancreonecrosis.
The purpose of the study Improving the efficacy of intensive therapy of severe acute pancreatitis by optimizing its detoxication component based on an prolonged high-volume veno-venous hemofiltration.
Materials and methods Research materials presented are 64 patients with necrotic form of severe pancreatitis and 70 patients with edematous form of its desease. Total number of examined patients amounted to 134 people. Among the investigated contingent by each studied form of acute pancreatitis were identified the main and the control groups (32 and 35 people respectively). In the control groups used traditional program of intensive therapy. In the main groups used developed detoxication program besides the traditional intensive therapy.
Methods of research are presented selective clinical, biochemical, hematological and statistical techniques.
Results and their discussion Obtained results represent an improvement antitoxic potential and nutritional status of patients with necrotizing pancreatitis due to application of the developed program of monodetoxication. Proved the possibility of prevention the transformation of edematous in necrotic form of severe pancreatitis due to an optimized use of haemofiltration technology. All of identified intergroup differences have a high level of statistical significance.
Conclusion The obtained results allow: statistically justified to consider a elaborated detoxication program as a way to optimize the pancreonecrosis intensive therapy; recommend it to practical use.

About the authors

N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy, 10 Studencheskaia Str., Voronezh, 394036, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: oleg-stulikov@yandex.ru
candidate for a PhD in medicine of the anesthesiology and reanimatology chair of N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy Institute of additional postgraduate education (VSMA)

N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy, 10 Studencheskaia Str., Voronezh, 394036, Russian Federation

Email: gladkichigor@rambler.ru
a candidate for a PhD in medicine of the anesthesiology and reanimatology chair of VSMA

N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy, 10 Studencheskaia Str., Voronezh, 394036, Russian Federation

Email: mail@vestnik-surgery.com
a postgraduate student (aspirant) of the anesthesiology and reanimatology chair of VSMA

N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy, 10 Studencheskaia Str., Voronezh, 394036, Russian Federation

Email: lavr@okb.vrn.ru
MD, Prof. of the anesthesiology and reanimatology chair of VSMA


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