Pathomorphological analysis pancreas in different forms pancreatic necrosis

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An experimental study was performed on 120 white Wistar "rats" Animals were divided into 4 groups, each group of 30
animals. When creating models of the CES, flowing mainly on the type of fat pancreatic necrosis was carried out with two
pathogenic FACT (ductal hypertension and activation of phospholipases). The dynamics of development of progressive fatty
pancreatic necrosis with marked cellular infiltration, formation of infiltration, the inflammatory reaction. In the second
series of experiments using crystalline trypsin shows the evolution of hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis with involvement of
visceral organs, hemodynamic shock, DIC, as a result of uncontrolled proteolysis. Our studies allow us to consider the fat and
hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis as different morphological units that must be considered in clinical practice

About the authors

Vladimir Georgievich Viskunov

Novosibirsk state medical University

Author for correspondence.

 doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the surgical diseases chair

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Krasny Prospekt, 52

Arshak Harutyun Asatryan

Research Institute of regional pathology and pathomorphology SB RAMS


postgraduate student, Institute of regional pathology and pathomorphology

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Timakova street, 2

Svetlana Ivanovna Protsenko

Gorodskaya POLIKLINIKA №18, Novosibirsk


 candidate of medical Sciences, surgeon

Russian Federation, Russia, Novosibirsk, Broad street, 113


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Copyright (c) Viskunov V.G., Asatryan A.H., Protsenko S.I.

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