Postmortem Tissue Analysis of Opisthorchiasis Papillitis
- Authors: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
- Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital, 14 Energetikov Str., Surgut, 624000, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 8, No 2 (2015)
- Pages: 176-185
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 198
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Materials and methods The research uses cadaveric material taken in the department of morbid anatomy of Surgut regional clinical hospital. All the cases which were included in the study (98 dead patients) had the direct evidence of infection with opisthorchiasis according to post-mortem examination together with information about the length of opisthorchiasis invasion during the life of the patients. The control group included 30 dead patients without the pathology of hepatobiliary tract. The study showed that the opisthorchiasis invasion brings about successive changes in papilla tissues which can be divided into three stages according to morphological criteria - the adenomatous stage, the adenofibrous stage and the sclerotic stage (the names reflect the nature of changes). The analysis of the material was carried out using statistical approach.
Results and their discussion Morphological research with sufficient evidence demonstrated specific changes which take place in the tissues of the major duodenal papilla at different stages of papillitis. It also determined that the luminal diameter of papilla is the indicator of these changes.
Conclusion The general tendency of changes in the major duodenal papilla brought about by opesthorchiasis can be described as progressive degradation of morphological structures that constitute the tissue of the major duodenal papilla, which results in functional failure of the given anatomical structure.
About the authors
Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital, 14 Energetikov Str., Surgut, 624000, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
PhD, assoc. prof. of chair of hospital surgery, head of the Oncology Department budgetary institution "Surgut Regional clinical hospital"
Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital, 14 Energetikov Str., Surgut, 624000, Russian Federation
MD, Prof., supernumerary chief specialist in Surgery budgetary institution "Surgut Regional clinical hospital"
Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital, 14 Energetikov Str., Surgut, 624000, Russian Federation
PhD, doctor Surgery Department of budgetary institution "Surgut Regional clinical hospital"
Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital, 14 Energetikov Str., Surgut, 624000, Russian Federation
doctor Pathology Department of budgetary institution "Surgut Regional clinical hospital"
Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital, 14 Energetikov Str., Surgut, 624000, Russian Federation
doctor Pathology Department of budgetary institution "Surgut Regional clinical hospital"
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