Comparative Characteristics of Two Ways of Formation of Invaginated End-to-Side Small-to-Large Intestinal Anastomoses in Experiments
- Authors: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
- Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
- Pages: 25-32
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 22
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Relevance Surgical treatment for diseases of the distal part of the small intestine and the right part of the large intestine requires not only repair of continuity of the intestinal tube but also restoration of the lost function of iliocecal valvular apparatus.
The purpose of this study To develop a new method for forming invaginated cross kontsebokovogo tonkotolstokishechnogo anastomosis and study experimentally in comparison with that of the anastomosis in the way it Ya.D.Vitebskogo areflyuksnye, microbiological and morphological characteristics.
Materials and methods A new technique for formation of aruflux small-to-large intestinal anastomosis was suggested. Experiments on animals were performed. The character of healing of anastomosis and its valvular properties were studied. Pneumopression and microbiology were compared with Ya.D. Vitebsky’s anastomosis.
Results and their discussion Both anastomoses have equal areflux properties. Morphology showed that the suggested anastomosis is characterized by full adaptation of mucous and submucous layers of both intestines. The healing processes are characterized by obvious reparable reactions. There were no evident processes of alteration and development of connective tissue.
Conclusion According to the results of pneumopression and microbiological studies have equal valvular properties. The main advantage of the suggested technique is primary character of healing.
About the authors
Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Head of the intermediate Surgery Department of kirov State Medical Academy, Professor of Surgery.
Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov, Russian Federation
Research postgraduate of the intermediate Surgery Department of kirov State Medical Academy.
Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov, Russian Federation
Assistant Professor of the intermediate Surgery Department of kirov State Medical Academy, Candidate of Medical Sciences (PhD).
Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov, Russian Federation
Head of the Microbiology Department of kirov State Medical Academy, Associate Professor of Microbiology.
Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov, Russian Federation
Assistant Professor of the Pathological Anatomy Department of kirov State Medical Academy, Candidate of Medical Sciences (PhD).
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