Possibility of Use of Microsurgical Equipment at Recovery Operations on the Ileotsekalny Valve at its Insufficiency

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Relevance Insufficiency of the ileocecal valve is one of the most frequent and completely unsolved pathologies in the ileocecal area. It is characterized bu reflux of the contens in the large intenstine into the ileum vihich in its turn leads to the development of secondary enteritis, intestines dysbacteriosis, the emergence of syndrome of malabsorption. Conservative treatment of this pathology is symptomatic and has a short character. The existing methods of surgical correction of the ileocecal valve insufficiency aren't numerous, the are carried out extraluminally and don't eliminate the direct cause of the large intestine reflux. The use of microsurgical technique can become one of the ways of improving the results of interventions on the elements of the ileocecal valve. Howerer, the data on the use of microsurgery for restorative operation in the incompetens of the ileocecal valve are absent. Microsurgical technique reduces traumatizing of the sutured tissues, enabless to avoid the disturbance of blood supply and to use microanatomic features of the organs. The purpose of the study The aim of the present study was anatomo-experimental basing and the development of restorative intraluminal microsurgical operation on the ileocecal valve in its insufficency. Materials and methods 151 objects (21 dogand 130 corpses of people) were studied. The section on the anatomical basis of restorative microsurgery of the ileocecal valve was performed on the organocomplexes takeu from 130 corpses of people of bothsexes aged from 21 till 82. Morphological and histotopographic investigation of the ileocecal valve in norm and in pathology was carried out. The experimental part of studies was made on 21 nonpurebred dogs of both sexes weighing from 5 to 12 kg. 2 series of experiments were carried out using different surgical restorative methods/ Results and their discussion Based on these data a mode of intraluminal correction in ileocecal valve insufficiency was worked out bu using microsurgical technique. New data on the dynamics of the ileocecal sphincter in different terms after restorative operation were obtained bu microsurgical technique. Morphological and functional characteristics of the ileocecal sphincter in different terms after the operation were defined. Conclusion The data obtained during the experiments show that the use of microsurgical technique in performing restorative operation on the ileocecal sphincter allows to improve both the nearest, and remote results of the operation thanks to the restoration of sphincter and antireflyx properties. The risk of the development of the incompetent sutures is minimized owing to favourably proceeding reparative processes

About the authors

Orenburg state medical academy, 6 Sovetskaia Str., Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com
MD, Prof., deserved doctor of the Russian Federation. Head of the department of surgery of faculty of postdegree formation of the Orenburg state medical academy Russian Federation

Orenburg state medical academy, 6 Sovetskaia Str., Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation

Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com
Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, MD. The professor of chair of operational surgery and clinical anatomy of S.S.Mikhaylov of the Orenburg state medical academy; Russian Federation

Orenburg state medical academy, 6 Sovetskaia Str., Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation

Email: sad1505@yandex.ru
Ph.D. The doctor the surgeon. Orenburg. Russian Federation


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