Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/22
Original articles
Current Status and Prospects of Russian Medical Journals and Publications in Scopus Database

Constitutional and Anatomical Feature Structure Hypogastric Region of Abdominal Wall

The Stages of Complex Treatment of Patients with Pyonecrotic Forms of Diabetic Foot Syndrome

First Results of Radiofrequency Ablation in Patients with Benign Thyroid Nodules

Criteria of Instability and Their Influence on Clinical and Radiological Parameters of the Distal Radius

Optimization of the Cardiosurgical Services of the Voronezh Region, Providing an Example of High-Tech Medical Care to the Patients of Older Age Group

Analysis of Multimodal Postoperative Analgesia Optimized Progamms Efficiency as a Basis for Anti-stress Providing after Gynecological Operations of Low and Medium Traumatization Degree
Results and their discussion In the study groups identified the best level of analgetic protection and neurovegetative stabilization.
Proved the comprehensive effectiveness of a developed analgesia program during gynecological operations both low and medium
traumaticity degree. All of identified intergroup differences have a high level of statistical significance.
Conclusion The obtained results allow us to: statistically reasonably considered designed program of analgesia as a means of
optimizing the anti-stress support for gynecological interventions, recommend it to practical application

Short articles
Comprehensive Immunotherapy as a Method of Treatment of Surgical Nosocomial Infections
eliminated the immunological disorders as well as increased treatment efficiency, reduced hospitalization and risk of chronization
and recurrence of infectious pathological processes in patients.
Conclusion 1. Traditional therapy of the patients with 10 types of nosocomial infections in only three cases (septic wounds of
the soft tissue, complications of atopic dermatitis, combination of deep pyoderma with skin allergosis) makes the satisfactory
correction of immunological disorders. 2. Additional prescription of the differentiated immunotropic drugs to the patients with
nosocomial infections successfully corrects the disorder of laboratory status. 3. Based on the analysis of the summary of the
formulas of the set targets of immunocorrection, laboratory indications for the choice of its options are determined.

Microsurgery Method Single-Row Continuous Z-Shape Suture
Relevance of the bowel Paresis and perifocal edema zone anastomosis leads to increased pressure in the intestinal lumen,
increasing its diameter, stretching walls, the proportional increase of the distance between the joints, which can promote the
development of the cutting of seams and violate the reparative process in place of the anastomosis.
The purpose of the study is development of pathogenetically grounded way single row of continuous Z-shape seam made using
microsurgical techniques.
Materials and methods of Experimental investigations were carried out on 70 Mature white rats of line Vistar» in two stages. At
the first stage compared the features of the healing intestinal wounds. In the first series anastomosis were performed using singlerow-through
a hub seam, 2nd - row type continuous blanket serous-muscular-submucosal seam. The second stage was devoted
to development of pathogenetically grounded way single row of continuous serous-muscular-submucosal Z-shaped seam, the
development of technology developed seam 100 fresh gastrointestinal conglomerates pigs and 10 adult white rats of line Vistar»
Results and their discussion the early postoperative period in the series, where the anastomosis is performed continuous blanket
serous-muscular-submucosal seam has the tendency to the formation of a more durable joint anastomosis than in series, where the
anastomosis is performed through a hub seam. Developed new single row of continuous Z-seams having greater strength, integrity,
large clamping area of contact serous membranes.
Conclusion To the extent that the equipment proposed single row of continuous serous-muscular-submucosal Z-shaped seam is
distributed multi-vector tensile strength that can prevent restretching tissues and prevent insolvency anastomosis

Rationalization of Multimodal Analgesia During Coronary Stenting
Relevance The article presents the data of the original research to assess the clinical effectiveness of prevent and eliminate
intraoperative pain syndrome program during coronary stenting in patients with stable angina pectoris.
The purpose of the study Increase of efficiency an integrated anti-stress protection during coronary artery stenting by improving
analgesic and sedative components of intraoperative anesthetic management.
Materials and methods 200 cardiology patients (without concomitant acute coronary syndrome) with indications for coronary
artery stenting. Among the investigated contingent differentiated two contrasting groups. 100 patients were included in the control
group (using the traditional analgesia program). Other 100 patients were included in the basic group (using the developed
analgesia program).
Assessment of the pain intensity with using of modern analogue scales (visual analogue scale, digital rating scale); assessment of
the stress-tension-level of the autonomic nervous system by cardiointervalography with mathematical analysis of cardiac rhythm;
descriptive and variational statistical methods for determination of intergroup differences significance level.
Results and their discussion In the basic group identified the best level of analgetic protection and neurovegetative stabilization.
Proved possible to complete prevention of intraoperative pain in the studied conditions. All identified intergroup differences have a
high level of statistical significance.
Conclusion The obtained results allow us to: statistically reasonably considered the developed program of analgesia as a means
of optimizing the anti-stress-support for coronary stenting, recommend it to practical application.

Analysis of Preеmptive Post-Operative Analgesia Optimized Programm Effectiveness as a Basis for Anti-Stress Providing after Hysterectomy
Relevance The article presents the data of the original research to assess the clinical effectiveness of prevent and eliminate
postoperative pain syndrome program after hysterectomy.
The purpose of the study Improving the efficiency of complex anti-stress protection during hysterectomy based prevention and
treatment optimization of postoperative pain syndrome.
Materials and methods 80 gynecological patients with indications for hysterectomy. Among the investigated contingent
differentiated two contrasting groups. 40 patients were included in the control group (using traditional program of analgesia).
Another 40 patients were included in the study group (using the developed program of analgesia).
Assessment of the pain intensity with application of modern analogue scales (visual analogue scale, digital rating scale);
assessment of the stress-tension level of the autonomic nervous system by cardiointervalography with mathematical analysis of
cardiac rhythm; descriptive statistical methods to determine the level of intergroup differences significance.
Results and their discussion In the study group identified the best level of analgetic protection and neurovegetative stabilization.
Proved the possibility of prevention of postoperative pain syndrome severe forms in the studied conditions. All of identified
intergroup differences have a high level of statistical significance.
Conclusion The obtained results allow us to: statistically reasonably considered designed program of analgesia as a means of
optimizing the anti-stress support for gynecological interventions, recommend it to practical application.

Review of literature
Surgical Anatomy of the Pancreas