The Bases of Pathogenetics Preventions of the Negative Influences on Operation Traumae of Acute Pancreatitis

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Relevance In the structure of urgent surgical pathology the acute pancreatitis is a hold one of leading positions. The purpose of the study is reported in experimental of the pathogenetics mechanisms a advances acute pancreatitis in consequences on surgical aggression; on bases of the receive informations prepare of new approach in decreases (prevention) of the negative manifestations of surgical traumae. Material and methods The study is based on materials of experimental studies. The acute pancreatitis is a simulated by the method of V.M. Buyanov et al. (1989). The adult mongrel dogs performed a median laparotomy, punctured gallbladder, bile were taken with followed by ligation of the puncture site. Bile then injected into the parenchyma of the vertical parts of the pancreas of 0,6 ml in 5 points. In two day after simulation performed a relaparotomy. It the control periods of the investigation (the first, third and fifth day after relaparotomiae) animals collected the blood, biopsy of the pancreas. Results and their discussion The exposed that of the effect of surgical aggression a leading to bigger intensifies in the pancreas cells of a processes of lipid peroxidations, activation of phospholipasae A2 and oppression systems of antioxidant protections, that one is important of mechanisms in the pathogenesis on breaking lipid metabolisms and development a membranodestruction phenomenons in organ bring of progresses a diseases, right until destruction forms. Conclusion Established of experimental that antioxidant of etoksidol showing a fast (already the first day after relaparotomiae) and a significant influences on the processes of lipid peroxidations of the pancreas cells, reducing the level of primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidations. The important moment it ability is to reduce the activity of phospholipasae A2 and increase its own antioxidant enzyme potential of a tissue structures of organ damages. This bring pronounced of a membranoprotectors action of the preparation that essential decrease action no only «natural» trigger mechanisms of pathology, but and negative influence of surgical aggression.

About the authors

Mordovian N.P. Ogareva State University, Saransk, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
MD, professor, the head of faculty surgery department Mordovian N.P. Ogareva State University

Mordovian N.P. Ogareva State University, Saransk, Russian Federation

postgraduate student of faculty surgery department Mordovian N.P. Ogareva State University

Mordovian N.P. Ogareva State University, Saransk, Russian Federation

– Ph.D., reader, the head of surgical diseases department medical faculty of the atomic energetic institute of Obninsk


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