Mechanism for the Occurrence of Traumatic Instability in Distal Radioulnar Joint in Children
- Authors: 1
- Federal Center of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Endoprosthesis Replacement, 29 Stroitelei Ave., Smolensk, 214031, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 8, No 2 (2015)
- Pages: 229-234
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 314
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Relevance Instability at the level of the distal radioulnar joint in children is considered a rare disease, and poor treatment outcomes achieved 20% or more. Thus there is no data that is a trigger mechanism which leads to instability in the distal radioulnar joint in children, and what types of bias forearm give rise to instability at the distal radioulnar joint.
The purpose of the study Clarify the mechanism of injury in fractures of the forearm bones in children leading to instability at the level of the distal radioulnar joint.
Materials and methods The study authors examined in patients with unstable distal radioulnar joint that has arisen as a result of fracture of forearm and subluxation of the head of the ulna - 29 patients of them 10 patients had chronic type of damage.
Results and their discussion The paper presents the mechanism of instability at the level of the distal radioulnar joint in fractures of the forearm bones in children, which is viewed from the perspective of a closed biomechanical system: consisting of the wrist, forearm, elbow joint anatomical and stabilizing elements. Details describes biasing mechanism of the bone fragments at the fracture, which occurs in three planes: axial, sagittal, frontal - angular and horizontal - rotational. Rotary displacement occurs on two paths: a path of the ulna and radius own trajectory, as the latter has isolated mobility, causing damage occurs and stabilizing the forearm, so the set of anatomical damage leads to destabilization of the elements at the distal radioulnar joint.
Conclusion Children pathogenesis of traumatic instability in the distal radioulnar joint defines a fracture of the forearm bones which results in an angular, axial and rotational displacement of bone fragments at a fracture
The purpose of the study Clarify the mechanism of injury in fractures of the forearm bones in children leading to instability at the level of the distal radioulnar joint.
Materials and methods The study authors examined in patients with unstable distal radioulnar joint that has arisen as a result of fracture of forearm and subluxation of the head of the ulna - 29 patients of them 10 patients had chronic type of damage.
Results and their discussion The paper presents the mechanism of instability at the level of the distal radioulnar joint in fractures of the forearm bones in children, which is viewed from the perspective of a closed biomechanical system: consisting of the wrist, forearm, elbow joint anatomical and stabilizing elements. Details describes biasing mechanism of the bone fragments at the fracture, which occurs in three planes: axial, sagittal, frontal - angular and horizontal - rotational. Rotary displacement occurs on two paths: a path of the ulna and radius own trajectory, as the latter has isolated mobility, causing damage occurs and stabilizing the forearm, so the set of anatomical damage leads to destabilization of the elements at the distal radioulnar joint.
Conclusion Children pathogenesis of traumatic instability in the distal radioulnar joint defines a fracture of the forearm bones which results in an angular, axial and rotational displacement of bone fragments at a fracture
About the authors
Federal Center of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Endoprosthesis Replacement, 29 Stroitelei Ave., Smolensk, 214031, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Ph.D., orthopedic surgeon.
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