
Surgical Treatment of Jejunal Diverticula
Kamanin A.A., Bogdanov P.I., Krasnopeeva M.K., Makarenko A.R., Banko V.V., Slabkova A.A.
High-Dose Brachytherapy in Chemoradiation Schemes of Patients with Oral Mucosa Cancer
Moshurov I.P., Korotkikh N.V., Kamenev D.Y., Tsurikova A.V., Kulikova I.N.
Endovideosurgery Potential in the Treatment of Liver Cysts
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Gurzhii D.V., Syomin D.S., Ivanyukova M.A., Zakharov E.A.
Perforation of the Esophageal Wall due to Large-Sized Foreign Body Entering the Esophagus
Kletkin M.E., Temirbulatov V.I., Tarabrin D.V.
Successful Management of a Patient with an Aneurysm of the Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Complicated by Severe Bleeding
Sigua B.V., Kochanov I.N., Lataria E.L., Glushkov M.V., Asaturov A.V., Zertsalova E.N., Zakharov E.A., Globin A.V., Zemlyanoi V.P.
Application of the Developed Mechanical Methods for the Treatment of Patients with Wound Complications of Postoperative Ventral Hernias Prosthetic Repair
Izmailov S.G., Lukoyanychev E.E., Leontev A.E., Izmailov A.G., Mezinov A.V., Panushkin A.V., Koloshein N.A., Abdulkerimov E.M., Tsyrenzhapov A.Z.
Ultrasound-Guided Removal of Deep-Lying Foreign Bodies of the Soft Neck Tissue in a Patient with a Shrapnel Wound
Dadayan A.R., Belik B.M., Tenchurin R.S., Bolotskov A.S.
Moshurov I.P., Korotkikh N.V., Kamenev D.Y.
Multiple Primary Advanced Metachronous Cancer of Abdominal Organs with Multifocal Obstructive Syndrome: a Clinical Case of Successful Complex Treatment
Redkin A.N., Ustinova E.Y., Popov S.S., Manukovskaya O.V., Konoplina J.S., Vdovin V.V.
Postradiation Regression of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Two Clinical Cases
Malev S.S., Moshurov I.P., Golovkov D.A., Tsurikova A.V., Bykovtsev M.B., Sukhoverkov D.V.
Staged Treatment of a Complicated Giant Gastric Ulcer: a clinical case report
Demchenko V., Vlasov A., Cheburkova E.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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