
Effect of Scar Deformation on Long-Term Outcomes of Suturing Perforated Pylorobulbar Ulcers
Osmanov Z.K., Semenov D.Y., Chekmasov Y.S., Polyglottov O.V.
Surgical Correction of Rectocele Via Transvaginal Access: Optimization Option, Immediate and Long-Term Outcomes
Krivchikova A.P., Yarosh A.L., Oleynik N.V., Soloshenko A.V., Bratishcheva N.N., Alenicheva M.S.
Treatment of Patients with Uncomplicated Sacrcoccygeal Sinus
Lavreshin P.M., Gobejishvili V.K., Korablina s.S., Gobejishvili V.V., Korkmazov I.K., Uzdenov M.B., Tatarshaov M.H.
Variants of tactical approaches and methods of surgical treatment in patients with malignant neoplasms of the oral mucosa
Povarkov S., Moshurov I., Petrov B., Lepshin S.
New approach to treatment of ventral hernias of the medial localization
Sukovatykh B.S., Nazarenko P.M., Polevoy Y.Y., Blinkov Y.Y., Netyaga A.A., Zatolokina M.A., Dubonos A.A., Pakhomov E.S.
Distant result prognostication in illeofemoral reconstructive surgery in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis using morphometria of vascular wall
Polyantsev A.A., Mozgovoy P.V., Frolov D.V., Polikarpov I.A., Naumov V.V., Spilchuk A.M., Schelokov R.V., Schelokova Y.V.
The long-term results of the partial gastrectomy concerning the peptic ulcer
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Thrombophilic states in pathogenesis of late thrombotic reocclusions in patients with atherosclerosis obliterans of arteries of lower extremities
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Estimation of results of surgical treatment of the acute destructive pancreatitis
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Assessment of Qualification of Surgeons when Carrying Out Recovery Operations at Patients after Obstructive Resections of a Colon and Rectum
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1 - 10 of 10 Items

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