
Dynamics of the system inflammation in staged abdominal repair of general purulent peritonitis
Vinnik Y.S., Zdzitowiecki D.E.
Immunotropic influence of ronkoleukin at different ways of administration at experimental widespread purulent peritonitis
Gostishchev V.K., Kosinec V.A.
Treatment of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with diffuse peritonitis, complicated by the severe abdominal sepsis
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Effect on mexicor syndrome during abdominal hypertension in experimental total peritonitis
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The evaluation of the possibility of mediator treatment influence on the expression of messenger RNA in mononulear blood cells in patients with acute pancreatitis
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New Methods of Treatment of the Diffused Peritonitis
Experimental Validation of the Use of Immobilized Form of Miramistin in the Treatment of Advanced Peritonitis
Sukovatykh B.S., Zatolokina M.A., Mosolova A.V.
Dynamics and surgical correction of multiple organ failure in patients with general purulent peritonitis with severe initial manifestations of systemic inflammation
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Staged Treatment of a Complicated Giant Gastric Ulcer: a clinical case report
Demchenko V., Vlasov A., Cheburkova E.
Correction of lipid-transport system at experimental widespread purulent peritonitis
1 - 10 of 10 Items

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