
The Effectiveness of Systemic Thrombolysis in the Treatment of Massive Pulmonary Embolism
Sukovatykh B.S., Gordov M.Y., Larina I.V., Valuyskaya N.M.
Retrospective Study of Outpatient Treatment of Acute Mesenteric Circulatory Disorders
Sukharukov A.S., Narezkin D.V., Bezaltynnykh A.A., Sergeev A.V., Avchinnikova D.A.
Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon in Vasculitis in COVID-19 Patients
Tarasenko S.V., Glotov D.A., Zhuchkova U.V.
Endovascular Treatment of Paget-Schroetter Disease
Sukovatykh B.S., Bolomatov N.V., Gordov M.Y., Larina n.V.
Catheter-directed thrombolysis for iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis
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Improvement of Medical Treatment Options of Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis of Low Extremities Associated with Phlegmasia Alba Dolens
Sukovatykh B., Sereditsky A.V., Azarov A.M., Muradyan V.F., Sukovatykh M.B., Lapinas A.A.
Intraoperative Diagnostics of Ischemic Damage to the Small Intestine: Current Opportunities and Unsolved Challenges
Baleev M.S., Sizov M.A., Romanov I.N., Mokeev O.A., Vorobiev A.N., Baleeva M.V., Kozharinov V.S.
Renal Cancer with Tumor Thrombus of the Inferior Vena Cava and the Right Atrium
Stepanova Y.A., Gritskevch A.A., Revishvili A.S., Kadirova M.V., Malyshenko E.S., Morozova M.V., Chekhoeva O.A., Shirokov V.S.
Surgery Techniques for Urgent Intestinal Neostomy and Bypass
Sizov M., Romanov I., Vorob'yov A., Semyonov A.
Clinical Case of Tubular Gastrectomy and Splenectomy, the Bleeding from Vericose Veins of the Stomach and Splenomegaly in the Background Idiopathic Myelofibrosis in Urgent Surgery
Bagryantsev M.V., Ershov V.V.
Pathomorphological manifestations of ischemic involvement of the small intestine in acute occlusion of the mesenteric artery
Ryabkov M.G., Baleev M.S., Bederina E.L., Romanov I.N., Shakhov A.V., Baleeva M.V.
Portal vein thrombosis: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment characteristics
SHercinger A.G., Kicenko E.A., Lyubivyj E.D., Fandeev E.E., Sysoeva E.P.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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