
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection Management: a Clinical Case Study
Sukovatykh B.S., Blinkov Y.Y., Zaitsev I.A., Zuev Y.S., Pashkov V.M.
Comprehensive Immunotherapy as a Method of Treatment of Surgical Nosocomial Infections
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Сomprehensive treatment of the complicated phlegmona of the top limb on the background of sugar diabetes under hiv coinfection and virus hepatitis
Beschastnov V.V., Sizov M.A., Bagryantsev M.V., Tretyakov Y.V., Ryabkov M.G.
Influence of water dispersions oxides nanostructures of metals on a current of purulent wounds
Prophylactic "Xymedon" in Abdominal Surgery
Koloshein N.A., Izmailov S.G., Lukoianychev E.Е., Leontev A.Е., Bodrov A.А., Rotkov A.I.
Forecast Possibilities and Prophylaxis of Surgical Site Infections in TKA
Alkaz A.V., Fadeev E.M., Linnik S.A., kachenko A.N., Bahtin M.Y., Russu I.I.
Severity condition assessment in patients with intra-abdominal surgical infection
Gvozdik T.P., Kononov V.S., Nurtelecom M.A.
Comparative Study of the Antibacterial Activity of Honey Foreign Drugs for the Treatment of Wound Infections and Domestic Native Honey
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Biorezonance at the Surgical Clinic for Diagnostics and Treatment of the Surgical Wound Infection
Glushenkov V.A.
Plastic Surgery in Patients with Soft-tissue Infection
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1 - 10 of 10 Items

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