
Characteristics of the Endoprostheses Used in the Treatment of Inguinal Hernias by the Method of I.L. Lichtenstein
Donchenko V.K., Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P., Laptieva A.Y., Yashkova M.A.
Pharmacological Regulation of the Inflammatory Response under Mesh Implant Prosthetics in the Treatment of Patients with External Abdominal Hernias
Lukoyanychev E.E., Izmajlov S.G., Evsyukov D.A., Leontev A.E., Nikolskij V.O., Mironov A.A., Panyushkin A.V., Firsova A.O.
The choice of surgical treatment of inguinal hernia (literature review)
Ivanov Y.V., Avdeev A.S., Panchenkov D.N., Smirnov A.V., Porkhunov D.V., Mamoshin A.V., Zinovsky M.V.
Allohernioplasty Laparoscopic Postoperative Ventral Hernias
Ivanov Y.V., Panchenkov D.N., Terehin A.A., Shablovsky O.R.
Prosthetic hernioplasty of umbilical hernias: outpatient experience
Ultrasonic excision of infected mesh implants after hernioplasty
Panteleev V.S., Zavarukhin V.A., Pogorelova M.P.
New facts about variant anatomy of the arcute line (arcute line by J. Douglas) of the rectus sheats and their importance in herniology
Zakurdaev E.I., Chernyh A.V., Cherednikov E.F., Vetchinkin V.G.
The effect on the electroactivity of the abdominal muscles of the level of connective tissue dysplasia and the method of combined hernioplasty of the inguinal hernia
Selecting the Way to Surgical Treatment of Patients with Postoperative the Median Rectifiable Hernia Based Noninvasive Evaluation of Intra-Abdominal Pressure
Cherednikov E.F., Polubkova G.V., Glukhov A.A., Skorobogatov S.A.
Endoscopic Techniques in the Treatment of Inguinal Hernias
Trukhalev W., Vlasov A., Kalinina А., Krivenkova E.
Efficiency`s comparison of various ways of surgical treatment of postoperative ventral herniae
Shcherbatyh A.V., Sokolova S.V., Shevchenko K.V.
The results of preperitoneal inguinal hernioplasty without fixation of the mesh endoprosthesis in the experiment.
Mokrova A.V., Zaitsev O.V., Khubezov D.A., Yudin V.A., Tarasenko S.V., Vasin I.V., Barsukov V.V.
Comparative experimental analysis of usage of different meshy implants
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Mikhaylov G.A., Mavidi I.P., Zakharov E.A., Sakhno D.S., Vinnichuk S.A., Cherepanov D.F., Melnikov V.A., Kulagin D.V., Beria G.Z.
Biomechanical Characteristics of Light Synthetic Materials for Hernioplasty (Experimental Study)
Sukovatykh B.S., Netiaga A.A., Blinkov Y.Y., Polevoy Y.Y., Zhukovskii V.A.
1 - 14 of 14 Items

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