
Clinical Laboratory Justification of Early Diagnosis and Prognosis on Surgical Sepsis Using Simple Laboratory Criteria in the Elderly
Yakovenko T.V., Movchan K.N., Tkachenko a.N., Yakovenko O.I.
Immune Diagnostics and Immunotherapy of Burn Sepsis
Kozlova M.N., Zemskov V.M., Alekseev A.A.
Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of Surgical Sepsis with Simple Laboratory Criteria in the Elderly Patients: Clinical and Laboratory Substantiation
Ykovenko T. ., Movchan K.N., Tkachenko A.N., Yakovenko O.I.
Objectication of the severity of the condition patients with advanced peritonitis by formulas clinical biochemical indices
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Local is purulent-septic complications of vascular accesses and angiogenic sepsis in patients on a program hemodialysis
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Treatment of the Surgical Infection Caused Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Experiment
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Association between Abscess Fluid and Procalcitonin in Blood Serum
Zubareva N.A., Sosnin D.Y., Renzhin A.V.
Sepsis: Modern Paradigm
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Сomprehensive treatment of the complicated phlegmona of the top limb on the background of sugar diabetes under hiv coinfection and virus hepatitis
Beschastnov V.V., Sizov M.A., Bagryantsev M.V., Tretyakov Y.V., Ryabkov M.G.
Severity condition assessment in patients with intra-abdominal surgical infection
Gvozdik T.P., Kononov V.S., Nurtelecom M.A.
Differential Use of Different Colloids During Plazmaferesis in Abdominal Sepsis Patients with Acute Lung Injury
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Active detoxicating in treatment of the abdominal sepsis
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1 - 12 of 12 Items

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