
Impact of Chronic Soft Tissue Wounds on Psycho-Emotional Background and Quality of Life of Patients: Social Context
Koloshein N.A., Tulupov A.A., Grehov A.V.
The Role of the Commensal Skin Microbiota in the Processes of Reparative Regeneration of Soft Tissue Wounds
Tulupov A.A., Beschastnov V.V., Pogodin I.E., Shirokova I.Y., Dudareva E.V., Andryukhin K.V., Badikov E.F.
Management of Donor Site Wounds after Autodermoplasty
Alekseev A.A., Bobrovnikov A.E., Malyutina N.B., Filimonov K.A.
Effectiveness of Enzymatic Necrolysis in Patients with Burns
Alekseyev A.A., Bobrovnikov A.E., Malyutina N.B., Bogdanov V.V., Chilikin N.M., Markarov A.E.
Analysis of the Major Factors Affecting the Course of the Immediate Postoperative Period with Stab and Cut Wounds of the Heart in a Multidisciplinary Surgical Hospital
Maslyakov V.V., Pavlova O.N., Dorzhiev P.S., Urjadov S.E., Kurkin K.G., Gezali A.J., Akmalov N.A.
Application of the Developed Mechanical Methods for the Treatment of Patients with Wound Complications of Postoperative Ventral Hernias Prosthetic Repair
Izmailov S.G., Lukoyanychev E.E., Leontev A.E., Izmailov A.G., Mezinov A.V., Panushkin A.V., Koloshein N.A., Abdulkerimov E.M., Tsyrenzhapov A.Z.
Collagen and Use Its in the Treatment of Wounds
Ostroushko A.P., Andreev A.A., Laptiyova A.Y., Glukhov A.A.
Features of Wound Healing in Patients with Neuroendocrine Pathologies
Morozov A.M., Sergeev A.N., Kadykov V.A., Askerov E.M., Garmanova A.A., Zhukov S.V., Peltikhina O.V., Sobol E.A.
Characteristics of Microbiocenosis of Wounds in Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections on the Background of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Plakhotnikova A.M., Vinnik Y.S., Teplyakova O.V., Perianova O.V., Potkina N.K.
Morpho-functional alterations of dorsal root ganglion neurons on the soft tissue wounds
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Inkjet Oxygen-Sorption Treatment in Local Treatment Purulent Soft Tissue Wounds
Arkhipov D.V., Andreev A.A., Atyakshin D.A., Glukhov A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Features of Wounds Healing Sutured with Bioresorpable Antimicrobial Suture Material
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Oxygen Sorption Treatment in the Treatment of Soft Tissue Wounds
Arkhipov D.V., Andreev A.A., Atyakshin D.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Comparative estimation of dynamics serum IgG after gastroplasty wounds of the liver, spleen and kidney in experiment
Structural and functional features of healing of aseptic wounds of soft tissues using by platelet-rich blood plasma
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The results of monitoring the dynamics and antibiotic resistance of microflora when performing split-skin grafting in a general surgical hospital
Pavlenko I.V., Kichin V.V., Shakhov A.V.
Experimental substantiation of application of a programmed magnetotherapy in treatment of wounds of soft tissues
To the Question of Surgical Tactics in Children with Facial Bites
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Reparative Processes in Soft Tissues. Influence of Acidity
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P., Chuyan A.O., Karapityan A.R.
Possibilities and Prospects of Application of Bacteriophages in the Treatment of Chronic Soft Tissue Wounds
Pogodin V., Samoylenko V., Kirgintsev A., Luzan A.
Сlinical and morphological substantiation of application high gidropressing technologies and the polarized light therapy in the treatment of the soft tissues in experiment
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1 - 21 of 21 Items

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