
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment of Benign Epithelial Esophageal Neoplasms under Control of Magnifying Chromoendoscopy
Himina I.N., Trifanov A.N., Razinkin K. ., Himin N.P., Volozhin G.A., Ostrovskaya I.G., Minchenko Y.V.
Endovideosurgery Potential in the Treatment of Liver Cysts
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Gurzhii D.V., Syomin D.S., Ivanyukova M.A., Zakharov E.A.
A method for determining the optimal technique of surgical intervention in patients with post-traumatic kyphotic deformity of the thoracolumbar spine in the late period of spinal injury.
Ptashnikov D.A., Magomedov S.S., Rominsky S.P., Mytyga P.G.
Treatment of Patients with Uncomplicated Sacrcoccygeal Sinus
Lavreshin P.M., Gobejishvili V.K., Korablina s.S., Gobejishvili V.V., Korkmazov I.K., Uzdenov M.B., Tatarshaov M.H.
Esophageal Stenting - a Modern Resource of Surgery for Various Perforations
Korymasov E.A., Benian A., Medvedchikov-Ardiia M., Zhdanov A.V.
Intracavitary laser obliteration of Baker cyst under ultrasonic navigation
Krochek I.V., Sergiyko S.V., Privalov V.A., Shumilin I.I., Shekunova Y.G., Anchugova A.Y.
Variants of tactical approaches and methods of surgical treatment in patients with malignant neoplasms of the oral mucosa
Povarkov S., Moshurov I., Petrov B., Lepshin S.
The Efficiency of Daptomycin Use in Treatment of Surgical Patients with Infective Endocarditis
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Solitary Renal Metastasis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Stepanova Y.A., Chekhoeva O.A., Teplov A.A., Gritskevich A.A., Morozova M.V., Davydenko P.I., Ruchkin D.V., Glotov A.V.
A Method for Preventing Scarring from Surgical Treatment of Glaucoma
Zakharova I.A., Makhmutov V.Y., Avdeev R.V., Varakina I.S., Chernyh E.N.
Surgical treatment of complicated colorectal cancer
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Recurrent Serous Carcinoma of the Right Fallopian Tube Involving the Dome of Cecum and Rectum
Yurcovskaya A.I., Stepanova Y.A., Kalinin D.V., Kozlov I.A.
Renal Cancer with Tumor Thrombus of the Inferior Vena Cava and the Right Atrium
Stepanova Y.A., Gritskevch A.A., Revishvili A.S., Kadirova M.V., Malyshenko E.S., Morozova M.V., Chekhoeva O.A., Shirokov V.S.
Surgical treatment of patients with choledocholithiasis
Methods of Evaluation of Surgical Components of the Treatment of Сerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
Predictor of septic complications in colorectal cancer surgery
Gataullin I.G., Savinkov V.G., Frolov S.A., Kozlov A.M.
Differentiated Approach in Treatment of the Postoperative Ventral Hernias
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Experience of Rehabilitation Program Using a Device Amp-01 in Treatment of Suppurative Lactation Mastitis
New Methods of Treatment of the Diffused Peritonitis
Plastic Surgery in Patients with Soft-tissue Infection
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Diagnosis and surgical treatment of cystic pancreatic tumors
Kriger A.G., Karmazanovskij G.G., Gorin D.S., Kochatkov A.V., Vetshev N.N., Berelavichus S.V.
Impact of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on the Course of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Mitsinskaya A.I., Kaschenko V.A., Fishman M.B., Sokolov A.Y., Samoilov V.S., Mitsinskiy M.A., Varzin S.A., Lodygin A.V., Akhmetov A.D.
Staged Treatment of a Complicated Giant Gastric Ulcer: a clinical case report
Demchenko V., Vlasov A., Cheburkova E.
The relationship of the anatomical features of the structure of the main veins with clinical manifestations of venous pathology and osteoarticular system of the lower limbs
Yarovenko G.V., Katorkin S.E., Myshentsev P.N.
Surgical Tactics in Damages of the Scenosis of the Duodenumi of the Fince
Kubachev K.G., Hachimov K.A., Mukhiddinov N.D., Zarkua N.E.
Results of the Endoscopic Stenting in Palliative Treatment of Cardioesophageal Cancer
Strusskiy L.P., Nizamxodjayev Z.M., Ligay R.Y., Khusanov A.M., Omonov R.R., Tsoy A.O., Adjimuratov M.T.
Role of the gene polymorphism of DNA excision reparation and xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes in early diagnosis of gastric cancer
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Ways to improve treatment of epithelzed pilonidal sinun
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A New Method of Treatment Achalasia II-III Stage. Experimental Substantiation
Koshel A.P., Alekseev V.A., Klokov S.S., Zavialova M.V., Ryzhova E.A., Siuhina S.A., Vorobiev V.M., Avhimenko V.A.
Clinical and Anatomical Aspects of Surgical Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus Disease
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Distant result prognostication in illeofemoral reconstructive surgery in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis using morphometria of vascular wall
Polyantsev A.A., Mozgovoy P.V., Frolov D.V., Polikarpov I.A., Naumov V.V., Spilchuk A.M., Schelokov R.V., Schelokova Y.V.
Clinico-experimental research at a primary glaucoma
Risk Stratification for Embolic Events in Surgical Patients with Left-Sided Infective Endocarditis
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1 - 33 of 33 Items

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